U.S. Industrial Sector Heat Emissions And Temperature (Data)set
The U.S. Industrial Sector Heat Emissions and Temperature Dataset (HEATset) is intended as an opensource, public dataset that is available to policymakers, advocates, and stakeholders as they consider strategies, options, and policy interventions that could support and accelerate the decarbonization of the U.S. industrial sector.
Focusing on combustion emissions from eight energy intensive subsectors, this initial publication of the HEATset includes 7,200 unit level datapoints for more than 3,000 relatively large industrial facilities that comprise the eight energy-intensive subsectors and account for more than 400 million metric tons CO2 emissions annually.
While U.S. industrial sector data availability is patchy and far from the ideal level at which detailed temperature-based decarbonization analyses is possible, HEATset attempts to combine information and insights from multiple public datasets and publications to create a single resource for exploring data on industrial heat and combustion, including technology types, heat ranges, fuel type, geographic location, subsector/NAICS code level detail, and more.
By making the underlying processed datasets available for public download, HEATset aims to contribute to the establishment of a common industrial heat fact base, facilitate continued data refinements and improvements, and encourage stakeholders to use HEATset for additional analyses and insights.
This initial publication of the HEATset comprises three resources:
Overview presentation providing key HEATset findings, insights, and methodological details (download here)
Nine dynamic Tableau dashboards to allow for further exploration and refinement of the HEATset (shown below)
The full HEATset in Excel format (download here)
The HEATset was compiled by Amlan Saha of PT Strategy & Intelligence on behalf of the Center for Applied Environmental Law and Policy (CAELP).
For more information, questions, or suggestions for future iterations of HEATset, please contact:
Grace Van Horn, CAELP